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JCA Employees Save A Life!

Using a combination of techniques, rescue breathing, and an automated external defibrillator (AED), our front-line staff members know the sooner they can administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to someone in cardiac arrest, the better a person’s chance of survival.

Beshka Hoshall's headshot

“Knowing how to perform CPR is a life-saving skill that we learn, but you never think that you will be called to perform until that moment arrives and someone’s life depends on you,” explains our Fitness and Wellness Coordinator Beshka Hoshall, who along with colleagues, Alex Minardi, Barabara Sweet, and Tommy Collins,  recently helped save someone who went into cardiac arrest on our campus.

A man wearing a blue and black striped nike polo shirt.

“You just never know when something is going to happen, so you have to be prepared and make sure that when the time comes you are willing to help resuscitate someone using CPR,” explains PE and Sports Coordinator Alex Minardi who shared how proud he was of his colleagues and the steps they took to administer help. “It was quick teamwork to save this person. We divided roles like in the mock drills we practiced so it all worked. Beshka began administering breaths as one of our members who is a doctor administered compressions. Tommy and Barbara retrieved the AED machine and brought the device to the studio area so I could cut the person’s shirt open. As I cut the shirt, Tommy unpackaged the AED and connected the wires. Then we applied the pads to the member. All of this happened while another JCA member who is also a doctor, and Beshka continued compressions and breathing. Then using the AED, we administered shocks to restart the heart. I went into compressions directly after the shock until EMS arrived.”

“Everyone knew it was a matter of seconds if this person was going to survive,” says Barbara Sweet who shared how the event was a poignant reminder of how critical it is to have the skills to perform CPR. “During all of this, Suzanne Myatt at the front desk called 9-1-1, and within minutes Jacksonville Fire and Rescue arrived.”

Knowing they did all they could to help, our JCA team learned their efforts were a success a few days after the emergency on campus. In stable condition, our longtime valued member was expected to recover fully, thanks to the fast actions of our incredible employees.

“The scene seemed surreal while we were going through the motions. A person’s life was hanging in the balance, and I remember praying for them as I breathed for them, this person was someone’s loved one,” says Beshka.

“For me, it is always a moral obligation to help someone in need no matter what. This is what we are trained to do,” says Alex. “That day, we did the best we could, and it worked.”

This recent incident was not the first time our JCA employees used life-saving CPR skills to help someone on campus and it likely will not be the last. Through the years our incredible professionals in aquatics, on the tennis courts, in the gymnasium, the fitness center, and even in our pottery studio and meeting rooms, have successfully administered CPR.

“After years of attending CPR classes, I rarely met anyone outside of medical professionals who performed CPR in a non-medical, everyday environment like the JCA and saved a life,” says Beshka. “I am thankful to be equipped with the knowledge and skill set. CPR is critical to helping someone survive.”

Logo of the American Red Cross featuring a red cross symbol above the words "American Red Cross" in bold black letters.

Our JCA is proud to be an American Red Cross Licensed Training Provider to offer our staff members, community, and neighbors, Community Adult and Pediatric CPR/AED/First Aid certification classes. Each course teaches students to recognize and care for various first-aid emergencies, and how to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies.

Thanks to the Stephen and Jackie Goldman Family – CPR Save-A-Life Fund, these classes are now offered at no cost to our valued JCA members and at a discounted price of $60 for guests. The next Community Adult and Pediatric CPR/AED/First Aid classes happen on Sun, Sep 29 at 12 pm. Registration is required by Sep 19; click here to register and learn more about our upcoming CPR courses.