Join us for our annual Jacksonville Jewish Cultural Arts Festival each November.

For almost three decades, the JCA has promoted the importance of cultural arts in Northeast Florida and is proud to present our annual celebration of the arts each November. Our Jacksonville Jewish Cultural Arts Festival is a series of engaging events featuring books, films, visual arts, music, and more that are enriched with Jewish heritage and culture.
To become a donor and bring cultural art programming to Northeast Florida, please reach out to Kendall Sisisky Valliere.
Festival Sponsors
Festival Supporter
Jordan and Shirley Ansbacher Family Foundation, The Miller Families, Linda and David* Stein, Rochelle and David Stoddard
Patron of the Arts
Jennifer Stuart
Pillar of the Arts
Adam and Regina Chaskin, Nancy and Mark Green, Helen Rowan and Paul Halloran, Debbie Banks and Garry Kitay, Whitney and Grant Kuvin, Kimberly and Richard Sisisky
LaVerne and Andy Cantor, Jerry Funk, Irene and Jimmy Jaffa, Jan and Bruce Lipsky, Marilyn Mass, Donna and M G Orender, Toby Ringel, Ellen and Alan Rosner, Judy and Steve Silverman, Mille and Edward Tannen, Jo-Ellen and Adam Unger
Karen Backilman, Paula and Ken Horn, Goldie Lansky, Sheryl and Ken Sekine, Kendall Sisisky Valliere and Sean Valliere
Karen and Philip Adler, Rachel and Kevin Algee, Suzie and Ben Becker, Beth Milograno and Patrick Berry, Hilary and Herschel Bettman, Wiatt Bowers, Susan and Ron Elinoff, Flagler Family, Gail and Paul Furman, Helen and John Hill, Allison and Ken Jacobs, Christina and Mark Levine, Ruthie and Bernie Nachman, Thelma Nied, Howard Roey, Esta Y. Rubinstein, Beth and Leif Rush, Jaqueline and Nathan Spiritas, Sara and Bruce Werner, Randy Kammer and Jeff Wollitz
Rita and Jerry Gare, Marilynn and Ira Goldfield, Jo Marks, Susan Martinez,
Marjie and Abe Rogozinski, Joan and Lee Rosenberg, Lois Sayward, , Ann and Leon Silke, Kathy Smarslok, PoChu Svendsen, Arlene and Evan Yegelwel, Bonnie Yegidis
As of 10/23/2024
*Of Blessed Memory

Heather Terrill

Rachel Sandler

Kendall Sisisky Valliere

Miriam Walker
Please contact Heather Terrill or Rachel Sandler for any Cultural Arts Festival programming questions. For donor or sponsor questions, please contact Kendall Sisisky Valliere or Miriam Walker.
Frequently Asked Questions
Questions about our Jacksonville Jewish Cultural Arts Festival?
Do you need to be a member to attend Jacksonville Jewish Cultural Arts Festival Events?
You do not! All of our Jacksonville Jewish Cultural Arts Festival events are open to the entire community.
How do I secure a spot to attend one of these events?
You can reserve your spot by clicking register on any of our events that you are interested in.
Can I purchase the author's books at the JCA?
Yes! We will have books available for purchase at your Pop-Up Book Store and at each of our events.
Will there be a meet and greet with the authors?
Yes! We will have a free meet and greet with the authors after their event. We encourage you to bring or purchase your books for them to sign.
Can my company or business sponsor the Jacksonville Jewish Cultural Arts Festival?
Yes! To learn how your business can sponsor the Jacksonville Jewish Cultural Arts Festival presented by the JCA, please contact Kendall Sisisky Valliere at or call (904) 730-2100 ext. 231.