Kid Kare
The JCA’s onsite childcare service for kids 3 months to 9 years old.

The JCA’s Kid Kare childcare is offered to our valued JCA members.
Kid Kare is offered to our JCA members while they work out. This childcare service is on a first-come, first-serve basis. No more than 12 children are allowed per shift. Children between three months and nine years old are welcomed by our caring staff who ensure your children have fun while you work out. At the JCA, we believe childcare should not be an obstacle that keeps you from coming to our gym.
Kid Kare Hours
Kid Kare Reservations
You can reserve your Kid Kare time slot(s) up to a week in advance, and up to 90 minutes at a time. It is not a requirement to make a reservation, but this will secure your spot. You can also come as a walk-in.
To reserve your children’s space in Kid Kare, please click the Kid Kare section below. You can then select your time slot, duration and amount of children needing Kid Kare. You will be prompted to login to complete your reservation.
If you haven’t yet downloaded the My J app on your phone and would like to do so, you can download it from your phone app store and create an account using the email your provided on your JCA membership application form. Further directions on how to download and use your My J app can be found here.

Karen Cataldo

Beshka Hoshall
What are the Kid Kare Policies?
- Parent must be on site at the JCA for duration of Kid Kare stay.
- Parent must sign child in and out with photo ID and JCA membership card.
- Child may only be released to the parent who dropped off the child.
- If a different individual must pick up the child, written and signed instructions must be provided at drop-off. Photo ID matching instructions will be required at pick up.
- Kid Kare service is for a maximum of 90 minutes. Please pick up your child on time.
- Child must be clean and in good health. Children displaying symptoms of illness will not be accepted.
- Parents must notify staff of any allergies or medical conditions.
- Staff is not responsible for hand-feeding children (this does not pertain to infants requiring a bottle).
- In the event a child needs additional attention (excessive misbehavior or crying), the parent will be notified immediately to retrieve the child from the program.
- Items needed by the child will be provided by the parent such as age-appropriate snacks (no popcorn), drinks, diapers, wipes, etc. We do not allow children to share snacks.
- The Kid Kare room is a nut-free zone.
- Child may only use personal electronic devices without photo or video capabilities. Absolutely no photography or video recording is allowed. Electronics may only have age-appropriate content. Electronics may not be shared with other children.
- The Kid Kare room is for babysitting services only. It is not a playroom for family use.
- Violation of these policies may result in loss of privileges.
Is there a Behavior Misconduct/Bullying Policy?
- All children are expected to follow staff directions and behave appropriately.
- Behavior misconduct is defined as behaviors that are unmanageable, disruptive to the group or endangering the welfare and safety of other children, staff or one’s self.
- Bullying behavior is considered harassment that may be verbal or non-verbal, written, graphic or physical that causes another child to feel unsafe or fearful and interferes with their ability to participate in or benefit from the Kid Kare program.
- When and if there is an incidence of behavior misconduct or bullying, staff will use a three-step redirection technique to manage behavior misconduct.
- If behavior remains unmanaged, staff will notify parents immediately to retrieve the child from the program. Parental cooperation is expected in handling these issues.
- The JCA reserves the right to revoke Kid Kare privileges for repeated incidents of behavior misconduct or bullying.
What is the JCA Kid Kare Wellness Policy?
- Parents of children exhibiting ANY of the following symptoms are called to come to the Kid Kare room to pick up their child immediately: Fever of 100.4 degrees and above | Diarrhea (2 or more loose stools) | Vomiting | Abnormal behavior
- Although the presence of a runny nose, clear or colored, may appear ominous, exclusion from Kid Kare is not necessary unless accompanied by any of the symptoms listed in #1.
- Please do not bring your child to Kid Kare with any of the above-mentioned symptoms. If in doubt about your child, please call to cancel your reservation and keep your child at home.
- It is highly unfair to healthy members and children to expose them unnecessarily to illness. Remember, also, that once a virus spreads in a group, it becomes very difficult to control. Please be considerate of others.
- Please alert the Courtesy Desk when your child develops a communicable disease (chicken pox, strep throat, pinkeye, head lice, etc.) so that we may post a notice of possible exposure date. All names are kept confidential. Knowing what is going around will help in early treatment and possibly slow or stop the spread of infection.
- Children with a fever are not allowed back into Kid Kare for at least 24 hours after being discharged. Children must be fever free (under 100.4 degrees), without fever-reducing medication, for 24 hours before returning. A note is made at the time of dismissal.
- Children with head lice, eggs or nits, are not permitted in Kid Kare. Children with any of these present, even after treatment, will be asked to leave immediately. We ask affected families to either go to a professional treatment facility or follow the treatment protocol outlined by the Center for Disease Control:
Where is the Kid Kare room?
The Kid Kare room is located to the right of the Courtesy Desk when coming from the Vandroff Art Gallery hallway.