J Experience

Lives Eliminated, Dreams Illuminated (LEDI) Exhibition at MOSH

Exhibit wall featuring a large painting of a child with a giraffe and a crescent moon, accompanied by a description and a small framed photo.
LEDI docent Cecilia Cristol will share the original artwork by Lauren Bergman who reimagines these women and what their dreams may have looked like. This exhibition also includes original music composed by Ella Milch-Sheriff adding a new layer of meaning to the narration of these stories.

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J Experience

Exhibit wall featuring a large painting of a child with a giraffe and a crescent moon, accompanied by a description and a small framed photo.

Lives Eliminated, Dreams Illuminated (LEDI) Exhibition at MOSH

Jan 29, 2025
10:00 – 11:00 am
Age: 18+
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