Arts and Culture

Screams Before Silence

Documentary Film Screening in Jacksonville on September 26

Leah Miller

As someone deeply affected by the events of October 7th, I felt compelled to act in the months following that tragic day. I traveled to Israel to witness firsthand the aftermath of the horrific attacks. What ended up being a two-month journey took me through communities scarred by violence and profoundly impacted my understanding of the ongoing conflict.

My trip to Israel was an eye-opener. I saw the physical and emotional scars left by the attacks, spoke with survivors, and experienced the pervasive fear and uncertainty that has become a part of daily life for many Israelis. This experience fueled my passion for sharing the truth about what happened, and the harsh realities faced by those living in the region. The stark contrast between the raw, human impact I observed and the often-distorted media narratives, frequently lacking context and minimizing the struggle of Israelis, strengthened my resolve to shed light on the sobering situation.

A woman stands in a grove holding an orange. She wears a light gray shirt, black pants, and a green bag. Orange trees with ripe fruits are visible in the background under a cloudy sky.

Screams Before Silence offers a rare view of the October 7th attacks through raw video footage and poignant eyewitness testimonies. The film captures the immediate human impact of the violence, providing an essential look at the suffering endured by individuals caught in the crossfire. Its strength lies in its authenticity and commitment to presenting the facts without embellishment. Bearing witness to such events is crucial.

In bringing this film to our community, I invite you to join me in considering the broader implications of this conflict by questioning why these attacks occurred and who the intended victims were. The worldwide chaos that has since ensued reminds us that the attack on Israel is not only based on land but part of a larger struggle between two world views that are fundamentally opposed. We must consider how such atrocities challenge the values held by those directly affected and also the principles we cherish as Americans.

A group of six people sitting around a table on a sandy beach, with buildings and a sunset in the background.

The unfiltered footage seen in Screams Before Silence serves as a call to action. It reminds us to remain vigilant and informed about the conflict and its broader implications. The film acts as a catalyst for dialogue and provides a crucial opportunity to reflect on these larger issues. It is my hope that you will feel inspired to share your understanding with others to foster a well-informed community that can engage with these issues more thoughtfully. These lessons will then become part of a larger effort to ensure the truth behind this tragic day is acknowledged and remembered.

Our Jewish Community Alliance is incredibly thankful to Leah and the Miller Families for bringing Screams Before Silence to our community. You are invited to join us for our screening of Screams Before Silence at 7 pm on Thu, Sep 26 in the Hicks Auditorium Conference Center at the Main Library, 312 N Main Street. After the film, we will discuss the never-before-heard accounts from released hostages, survivors, and first responders.

Please click this link to save your seat on Sep 26. The film screening is free to the community thanks to the generosity of the Miller Family.

Text reading "SCREAMS Before SILENCE" in bold white letters on a black background.

Screams Before Silence
60 mins, Documentary
During the October 7 attacks on Israeli towns and at the Nova Music Festival, women and girls were raped, assaulted, and mutilated. In Screams Before Silence, presenter-led documentary film, Sheryl Sandberg, former COO of Meta and founder of, interviews multiple eyewitnesses, released hostages, first responders, medical and forensic experts, and survivors of the Hamas massacres.