Neal Buchholz

JCAmp and Youth Services Director / Youth & Family

Man with short dark hair and stubble, wearing a light blue striped shirt, standing against a textured beige wall.

Neal Buchholz

JCAmp and Youth Services Director / Youth & Family

Our JCAmp and Youth Services Director Neal Buchholz is new to Jacksonville but not to the mission and values held by every affiliated JCC in North America.

Joining our Jewish Community Alliance from the Posnack JCC in Ft. Lauderdale, Neal says family and a new opportunity brought him to Jacksonville. A graduate of the prestigious Merrin Teen Fellowship, Neal also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and an Associate of the Arts degree from Florida International University. 

With more than a quarter century of camp and youth experience in the JCC movement and the Jewish youth world, Neal says he was bashert, serendipitous, about the opportunity to motivate and serve a new community.

Neal supervises the Youth Services department and our JCAmp programs, including the leadership team of JCAmp, Camp Aman, Yalla, and our Mensch program. Neal also oversees the Shoresh, Anaf and Aliyah camp units, and is a valuable resource to Gan and Sababa Theatre JCAmp programs.

When Neal is not at the JCA, Neal loves spending time with his sons, exercising, playing sports, and exploring the variety of cuisine found in the River City.

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